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Clause 14.3 of Settlement dt. 17-9-84:

Pending or initiation of such enquiry, an employee may be suspended, but if on the conclusion of the enquiry it is decided to take no action against him he shall be deemed to have been on duty and shall be entitled to the full wages and allowances and to all other privileges for the period of suspension; and if some punishment other than dismissal is inflicted, the whole or a part of the period of suspension, may, at the discretion of the management, be treated as on duty with the right to a corresponding portion of the wages allowance, etc.

Clause 18 of Settlement dt. 31-10-79

(iii) It is also agreed that employees on suspension will be entitled to the facility of medical aid and hospitalisation.

Clause 5 of Settlement dt. 8-9-83

In partial modification of Para 557 of the Sastry Award and Para 17.14 of the Desai Award, the following provisions shall apply in regard to payment of subsistance allowance to workmen under suspension.

a. Where the investigation is not entrusted to or taken up by an outside agency (i.e. Police / CSI), subsistance allowance will be payable at the following rates:

i. For the first 3 months 1/3 of the pay and allowances which the workmen would have got but for the suspension.

ii. Thereafter 1/2 of the pay and allowances.

iii. After one year full pay and allowances if the enquiry is not delayed for reasons attributable to the concerned workman or any of his representatives. Where the investigation is done by an outside agency and the said agency has come to the conclusion not be prosecute the employee, full pay and allowances will be payable after 6 months from the date of receipt of report of such agency, or one year after suspension, whichever is later and in the event the enquiry is not delayed for reasons attributable to the workman or any of his representative

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