Q. B1 : How enrolment of membership in the scheme would be done?
Ans : The member Bank will submit their employee data along with photographs and the pay the premium to Lead Insurance Company i.e. United India Insurance Co. Ltd.
Q. B2 : What is ID card and for what purpose the same will be used?
Ans : The TPA will issue and Identification (Physical / E Card) card to each insured for identification purpose. The ID card has a unique number which will be helpful in communication with the TPA and this number should be quoted in all communications with the TPA.
Q. B3 : Is photo ID card necessary?
Ans : The ID cards will be mainly useful in availing cashless. Hence, photo ID card is necessary for availing cashless facility. Till the time, employee data & photographs are provided to the TPA, cashless facility will be provided after due confirmation from the authorized personnel of the bank.
Q. B4 : How will I get my ID card?
Ans : E-card will be generated shortly on receipt of the employee / dependent data and made available on our Website which can be accessed and downloaded.
Physical ID cards will be issued after receipt of insured data & photographs. The ID card kit will be sent to the respective zonal offices.
Q. B5 : What documents do I get along with Physical ID cards?
Ans : A Guide Book for the insured containing general information and important tips related to claim procedures, List of Network Hospitals / Nursing Homes throughout India; specimen of Pre-authorization Request Form for cashless hospitalization purpose.