In the course of discussions in our workingcommittee heldat Nagpur on 12th and 13th September,2023 we were reported by most of our state units about increasing incidents of denialof leave to the employees,thus defeating the very purpose of the provisions of Bipartife Seftlement -enabling employees to avail leave in case of personal/ domestic exigencies and necessities.
You are aware that as per prOVisions of Bipartite Settlement employees are entitled to avail casual leave up to 12 days in ayear with prior intimation to the
Branch head.
Normally employees avail casual leave in unforeseen circumstances and for any sUdden sicknesS besides some domestic compulsions. But the reports are so disturbing that sUch requests are very casually declined and concerned employees are subjected to loss of pay besides being threatened to treat this as
unauthorised absence and consequent disciplinary action.
As per leave rules cauSal leave can be availed without supporting medical certificate up to 4 days. Requests from employees on sick ground, when they fall sick, are simply declined and treated as unguthorised.
The very purpose of providing suchafacilityto the employees is to provide moral Support to them when they suffer from one or the other ailments.
Request from Woman employees for grant of sick leave either for self-sickness or on the grounds of their children (up to age of 8) falling sick are subjected to
harassment. Even sick leave with sUpportive medical certificate from authorised medical practitioners are not accepted by some branches. Besides many SUch
complaints, Itis all the more painful to learn that a woman employee who has Conceived after treatment for infertility was advised total bedrest and when she applied leave with supporting medical certificate the same wasnot only declined
but it’s being treated as unauthorised one with a show caUse having been issued to her. Pondicherry main branch AGM is very adamant in his stand despite reported advice by the Zonal office, Chennai. Thus a woman employee is subjected to harassment, intimidation and mental agony during this crucial
periodof saving her pregnancy.
There are such complaints from several branches all over India and employees are finding it difficult to put up with such apainful treatment. This kind of situation
is due to acute shortage of staff and particularly in single clerk branches. Leave facility is provided for in Bipartite Settlement with a view to help and support the
employees at times of need and exigencies. If,under the pretext of staff shortage SUch requests are declined the very purpose of providing such a facility gets defeated. No employee can be expected to work at the cost of his/her health or
family obligations.
Thus we are compelled to state that this kind of attitude and approach of the Branch heads is unacceptable to us and we are afraid that this will result in defiance if not revolt from the affected employees besides would disturtb
industrial harmony.
As we foresee increasing tension in the branches due to the inability or failure of the Management in providing adequate staff in clerical and Sub staff, we urge
you to sendproper advisory to the Branch heads and Zonal heads so as to ensure that no genuine leave application of any employee is declined. Similarly employees are not put to any hardship or intimidation on this count. Let there be human approach and a conducive working atmosphere in branches.